the Dave McKenzie Gaellery

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Competing at the 2001 G.M.H.G. with “Gracie,” made by C.E. Kron & Co. of Dobbs Ferry, NY; powered by me and Mark Lee’s original Rocket Drone Reeds; ask for them by name, accept no imitations! The harmonics in these drones are some of the most very tightly knit I have ever heard.  Her namesake is my wife’s cat because either one makes a brave, fearsome sound when I hold her.




Me and Dan Rather of the CBS Evening News at the inauguration of Paul Cameron as senior news anchor for local affiliate WBTV.

Gael Warning’s first big gig! Uptown Charlotte City Center at Trade & Tryon for St. Patrick’s Day 1994  Street Party! “And the band played on…”





Last but not least… Always willing to take a fashion risk, I donned these home-dyed socks for competition. YES, they’re yellow flax! Deal with it! I thought they looked great with the kilt! Ask Sally Warburton, the official Highland Dress Fashion Sherriff!






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